Thursday, October 18, 2007

MLS a-courting Portland again...

As seen everywhere...

OPB carried two separate stories on it last nite--a short bit during the news for 'Oregon Considered' and then a 3-5 minute bit a little later in the same program. Quotes from Dan Courtemanche saying that MLS doesn't just come out and visit any ol' girlfriend; Only the "serious" ones get the personal treatment. The other ones must just get a card and flowers.

The big O ran a substantial bit from Boaz Herzog--heck, they ran that story in conjunction with the US Women's Drama Team's visit last night AND about four inches on the Men's Nats win in Suiza. I guess that covers Soccer in the O for the next month, huh?

(oh why don't they give him at least a weekly column about soccer, instead of just two or three bits about the Pilots/Timbers every few weeks (when they're winning or the WWC is going on) and then rely on 4 lines from the flippin' AP concerning every other match in the world?)

All I ask, MLS, is that you don't bait us for everyone else to get their acts together. We're really vulnerable right now--what with you guys courtin' up north as well--and honestly, we'll do anything for a little love. So don't tease us, use us and leave us...because you know as you're trying to sneak out the door at the break of dawn we're going to be frantic, running across the cold floor after you pleading "call me! Call me?!"

It's just unbecoming to make us beg.

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